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SSL Certificates

  • 2048-bit Encryption Standard SSL Certificate
  • Boost SEO & Google Ranking
  • Site Seal Included
Save 50%
0.91 /mo.

Protect your site with SSL Certificates

SSL certificate plans to fit your business needs and budget


A basic DV certificate for quick and
easy security.

Save 50%
1.81 /mo.
USD 88.44 /year
  • Domain Validation
  • Single Domain Name (FQDN) and
  • Encryption (up to 256-bit), 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate
  • Includes Static Site Seal
  • Unlimited server licenses
Wildcard (DV)

Quickly protect an unlimited number
of subdomains.

Save 50%
17.35 /mo.
USD 125.40 /year
  • Domain Validation
  • Single Domain with All Subdomains
  • Encryption (up to 256-bit), 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate
  • Includes Static Site Seal
  • Trusted by all popular browsers with 99.9% Ubiquity
Comodo EV

Get Vulnerability Scan, Site Seal and show verified
company name.

Save 50% OFF
32.56 /mo.
USD 88.44/year
  • Domain Validation
  • Single Domain Name (FQDN) and
  • Encryption Strength Up to 256-bit
  • Issued In 1-5 Days
  • Organization Validated to EV guidelines

Ensure Safe Online Transactions with SSL Certificates

SSL certificates enhance customer confidence in online transactions

green lock

Increase Trust with Green Padlock

No one likes their data to be lost or stolen. Hence, you can win the customer's trust with SSL certificate as it shows a green lock with "s" in the URL bar.
credit cards info secure

Keep Credit Cards Information Safe

If you're doing financial transactions on your website and saving those details, then it is mandatory to buy and configure SSL certificate throughout the website.
boost in google ranking

Boost your Search Engine Rankings

Google favors websites using HTTPS (encrypted with SSL) over HTTP (non-encrypted) and pushes the secured websites up in the SERP ranks.
increase in sale conversion

Increase your Sales Conversion

Better SEO rank ensures customer's trust and impacts the overall sales conversion, thus, increasing the revenue.
secure multiple domains

Secure Multiple Domains

Whether you need to secure one domain; 100 domains, subdomains or IP addresses with a single certificate; or unlimited subdomains on a single domain; ZNetLive offers the best SSL certificate in India that covers all your needs.
free tools with ssl

Multiple Browser, OS & Device Support

All leading browsers, applications and devices trust Comodo SSL by ZNetLive. Hence, no matter which device, OS or browser your visitors use, they will automatically see SSL icon and trust your website.

Understand different types of SSL Certificates

Lots of options? Don’t get confused, here’s all the help you need


Domain Validation SSL (DV SSL) is the most affordable SSL certificate you can purchase to verify domain name and secure your website. It provides all value-added features, and also activates the green padlock in the browser. It's perfect for personal blogs and small eCommerce websites, securing the website URLs, login URLs, offering a security assurance to the visitors. It takes no longer than 5 minutes to issue a DV SSL certificate.
Dv normal ssl
normal OV certfied ssl


Organization Validation SSL (OV SSL) validates not just your domain name but also the organization, becoming the ideal SSL for a business website to have. It unlocks the green padlock in the browser, showcasing your business identity and ensuring visitors that they are visiting a legitimate company website. It takes 1-2 business days to issue an OV SSL certificate.


Need credibility and security of the highest order for your business website? You should buy EV SSL certificate (Extended Validation SSL) as it unlocks the full benefits of the green padlock section, showcasing the name of your organization/business. It delivers the maximum level of credibility and trust among the visitors, increasing Google ranking and sales conversions.
normal ev ssl

Know how SSL certificates work

Trust us, Trust SSL Certificates

Step 1

When a visitor accesses an SSL protected website, your SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate establishes a secure tunnel between your browser and server to allow personal information to travel securely.

Step 2

The information that now passes to and from the website is encrypted and thus, secure.

Step 3

SSL certification ‘trust marks’ - https and padlock icon, inform the visitors that they are accessing a trustworthy site and they can safely make payment, share their email ID and other details with you.

50K+ people trust ZNetLive for their IT needs

ZNetLive is a leading provider of services for cloud computing. We are servicing over 50,000 customers across the globe. Our team of experts are available 24/7 to provide support and guidance, ensuring that your IT needs are always met.

  • The move to AWS (Amazon Web Services) Cloud was the best decision, undoubtedly. ZNetLive further simplified the entire process by helping our team set up our systems on AWS Cloud.

    Mr. Satish Jain

    AGM - Business Transformation,
    B. Lal Clinical Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.

    After using AWS from ZNetLive, we do not have to think any more about building and operating the infrastructure. The most important benefit is we can now focus on our time, money, and energy to create great experiences for our customers.

    Mr. Siddharth Ajay Singh

    Managing Director and CEO Jumbo Finvest India Ltd.

  • By providing Microsoft’s Office 365 solution, ZNetLive addressed all our security requirements and confidentiality of our communication through mail along with features like web conferencing, enhanced mailbox size and more at much lesser price than Google apps we were using.

    Mr. Satyendra Johari

    MD, Johari Digital Healthcare Limited.

    The move to AWS (Amazon Web Services) Cloud was the best decision, undoubtedly. ZNetLive further simplified the entire process by helping our team set up our systems on AWS Cloud.

    Mr. Satish Jain

    AGM - Business Transformation,
    B. Lal Clinical Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.

SSL Certificate FAQs

  • What is SSL Certificate?

    SSL is a global standard security technology that safeguards the integrity and privacy of the complete data that is being transmitted in a specific session between the web browser and the server. SSL works by creating a private key for encoding the data that is being transferred. URLs that utilize the SSL connection begin with https: instead of http:, where `s' represents the additional security.
  • Do you need technical knowledge to set up an SSL?

    Installing an SSL certificate is not difficult, but it does involve specific process for a specific web server. Certification Authorities publish instructions to generate the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and to install the SSL certificate. When you buy SSL certificate from ZNetLive, our expert team takes care of most of these tasks. For more information on installation, see this :
  • What are the benefits of SSL?

    1. SSL certificate protects your visitors' data.
    2. SSL certificate boosts website SEO. Few years back, Google had announced boosting the ranking for SSL secured websites.
    3. SSL safeguards against phishing by making it impossible for hackers to impersonate your site.
    4. Trust indicators like green address bar that come with EV SSL, helps improve customer trust and boosts your business's online identity.
    5. SSL helps a business meet PCI/DSS requirements.
  • Why should I buy SSL Certificate from ZNetLive?

    When you buy SSL server certificate from ZNetLive, you get best in class technology, strongest 2084-bit encryption and multiple value-added cost saving features to ensure that your website is always protected and meets the stringiest of the internet security guidelines today.
    Our certified services are delivered via a robust public key infrastructure (PKI) with global data centres, disaster recovery, redundancy, high availability and world-class instrumentation protecting the network.
  • How will users know my website is safe?

    Looking at the URL of your website can tell users whether it's safe. "https" in URL instead of "http" means that the site uses an SSL Certificate (s in https for secure) and is thus safe. There are few other trust indicators to help users know, like the padlock and green address bar.
  • Does SSL work in all web browsers?

    Yes, Domain SSL, Organization SSL and Extended SSL are compatible with all browsers and mobile devices.
  • How do you apply for an SSL?

    You can buy SSL Certificate from ZNetLive site, and we will install it for you for free. With your SSL certificate from ZNetLive, the complete SSL process is expedited, and few steps are required for installation.
    However, if you purchase an SSL from somewhere else, the installation process is chargeable. Also, more time is required as some additional steps will be involved for completing SSL installation process.
  • How to install SSL certificate?

    Depending upon the control panel you are using, there are different ways of installing SSL. Please see for details:
  • How do you generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)?

    For non-control panel Windows servers, it's generated from IIS or via Plesk control panel if the Windows server has Plesk installed.
    For non-control panel Linux servers, it's generated from OpenSSL.
    For cPanel or Plesk based servers, it's generated from the individual control panel.
  • When does SSL expire?

    The SSL certificate expires at the end of your billing period. You can renew SSL certificate for a minimum of 1 year and maximum of 2 years.
  • What is the SSL upgrade process?

    There's no SSL upgrade option as such. You need to buy new SSL certificate as per your requirements.
    It is recommended that you buy new SSL certificate one week prior to the expiry of your current SSL certificate. This way, you will get enough time to prepare for any unanticipated complications like 'connection not private' browser errors.
  • What is the difference between Normal SSL Certificate and Wildcard SSL Certificate?

    A regular or normal SSL certificate provides encryption for one domain (and one sub-domain as ZNetLive SSL certificate covers both the WWW and non-WWW versions of your website).
    In case, you are using a number of domains and subdomains for your business, you can go for Wildcard SSL. Wildcard certificate is issued with a common name of * and a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of For example, if a SSL wildcard certificate is issued for *, then it can be used for securing, or and also
    It saves cost as you buy only a single SSL certificate for multiple subdomains and with a single certificate, administration also becomes easier.
  • How long will I have to wait for my SSL certificate?

    For Domain Validation SSL, issue time is 5 minutes or lesser; for Organization Validation SSL, issue time is 1 to 2 business days and for Extended Validation SSL, issue time is 3 to 4 business days.
  • What is a Multi Domain Certificate (UCC)?

    Typically, an SSL certificate is issued to a single domain name and can be used only to secure the exact domain name to which it has been issued for. However, if you want to secure multiple websites with a single SSL certificate and on a single IP address, ZNetLive offers two different multi-domain SSL Certificates: Wildcard SSL and Multi-Domain SSL with support for Subject Alternative Names or SAN fields, to save you significant cost and hassle.
  • What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate?

    If you have a number of domains and subdomains for your business, then you should go for Wildcard SSL certificate.
    Wildcard certificate is issued with a common name of * and a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) of The wildcard certificate can be used on any subdomain of and SAN ensures that SSL works even without a subdomain. For ex, if a SSL wildcard certificate is issued for *, then it can be used for securing, or and also
    It saves cost as you buy only a single SSL certificate for multiple subdomains and with a single certificate, administration also becomes easier.
  • How many separate domains can I protect with single SSL certificate?

    Typically, a normal or regular SSL certificate is issued to a single domain name and can be used only to secure the exact domain name to which it has been issued for. For example, an SSL certificate issued to will not secure and SSL certificate for the non-www version of the domain will have to be purchased separately.
    An SSL certificate by ZNetLive allows you to install the same SSL certificate on as many servers as needed at no extra cost, and a single ZNetLive SSL certificate secures both and In addition, three domains - OWA (, MAIL ( and Autodiscover ( are secured for free with every ZNetLive SSL certificate.
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